IGP Information

2024-2025 Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) Appointments are now OPEN for the school year!

Our IGP conferences will be conducted by phone this year with the parent/guardian. The student will meet in-person with the school counselor during the conference, while the parent/guardian is on the phone.  This will allow for an interactive discussion with parents/guardians so that they can ask questions and receive feedback from the grade level counselor.  Parents are able to access all documents presented during the IGP conference with the links provided below under the "Presentations by Grade Level" and the "Resources" sections.

Course registration, for the 2025-2026 school year, will occur during second semester.

** We ask that you DO NOT schedule the appointment during your child's lunch shift, while they are attending Swofford Career Center, Master Skills Center, attending their Service-Learning site or during a dual enrollment class.**

Click the link below to schedule your student's IGP with their current grade level counselor:

** All times in the appointment portal are Eastern time!  Please be aware when scheduling your appointment and placing on your personal calendar the time is set for Eastern.

Presentations by Grade Level


What is an IGP?

IGP stands for Individual Graduation Plan. An IGP is a student's specific educational plan detailing the courses necessary for the student to prepare for graduation and to successfully transition into the workforce or post-secondary education. An individual graduation plan must:

•Align career goals and a student's course of study;
•Be based on the student's selected cluster of study and an academic focus within that cluster;
•Include core academic subjects, which must include, but are not limited to, English, math, science, and social studies to ensure that requirements for graduation will be met; Include experience-based, career-oriented learning experiences including, but not limited to, internships, apprenticeships, mentoring, co-op education, and service learning;
•Be flexible to allow change in the course of study but be sufficiently structured to meet graduation requirements and admission to post-secondary education;
•Incorporate provisions of a student's individual education plan, when appropriate; and,
•Be approved by a certified school guidance counselor and the student's parents, guardians, or individuals appointed by the parents or guardians to serve as their designee.

BSHS requires that every IGP:

•Align career goals and the student’s course of study;
•Be based on the student’s selected cluster of study and academic focus within that cluster;
•Incorporate core academic subjects for high school graduation including but not limited to English, mathematics, science, and social studies;
•Incorporate experience-based career-oriented extended learning opportunities that include but are not limited to internships, apprenticeships, mentoring, cooperative education, and service learning;
•Be sufficiently structured to meet graduation requirements and admission to post-secondary education and sufficiently flexible to allow change in the course of study;
•Incorporate the provisions of a student’s IEP when appropriate;
•Be approved by a certified school counselor and the student’s parent or legal guardian (or an authorized representative of the parent or guardian); and,
•Be reviewed by the student, the parent or legal guardian (or an authorized representative of the parent or guardian), and the certified school counselor at least once a year.


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