Principal's Message

A Message from our Principal

It is with great enthusiasm and humility that I have the opportunity to serve as the principal of Boiling Springs High School. I have been blessed to receive such tremendous support from the staff and students of Bulldog Nation and I look forward to continuing to develop strong relationships with all of our community supporters. 

It is my goal to continue to promote BSHS as the community hub where all feel welcomed. The old adage that “it takes a village to raise a child” could not be more accurate, and I am grateful to be a part of this village that puts students first and provides for all of its members.  Our motivation at Bulldog Nation is to provide opportunities for ALL staff and students to find something that connects them to the school.  We will continue with our theme, #BulldogsFit, because we are working hard to find a way for all members of the school community to "FIT IN."  A connected school is a successful school, so we are continuing to finetune two new programs to help connect our students to the school with the goal of improving academic performance, attendance, behavior, and motivation.  Our Advisory program connects all of our students with a staff member who will meet with them weekly for the duration of their high school experience, so every student will have a trusted adult in the building to assist with anything the student may need to help them be successful.  We will be adding grade level specific content to help support our students in their academics, employability, and college readiness.  We will once again offer 60+ Clubs to provide a positive, interactive experience for our staff and students that may connect with a current interest of our students or open their eyes to other opportunities that may be of interest in the future.

This year, our mission is to help students find success and to strengthen our community connection both within the building amongst staff and students, as well as with all of our stakeholders who have a vested interest in the students who attend Boiling Springs High School. Our outstanding community members and partners rally around our school without hesitation and I look forward to maintaining our close bonds and expressing my sincere gratitude for their service to our students. As a team, we will continue our school’s legacy and commitment to creating a safe and supportive environment for our students, where their success is paramount.

I have been inspired by a gifted faculty and staff that will stop at nothing to ensure our students have an amazing high school experience. I have been encouraged by the resiliency, generosity, and intellect of our students. I hope, through service, that I can repay the tremendous kindness and joy that Boiling Springs has already brought to my family. We are truly blessed to be Bulldogs and I am humbled and honored to serve this community.

The McQuigg Family  



Mr. Zach McQuigg

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